Coromandel Met Coke Industries (CMCI) is a unit of M/s Kalyaneswari Properties Pvt. Ltd., a company formed in the year 1984. It is presently involved in the manufacturing of Low Ash Metallurgical (LAM) or Hard Coke through Non-recovery type technology (popularly known as Bee Hive technology) based plant in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. The installed capacity of the plant is 38,000 MT per annum, and the same is achieved through 36 bee-hive coke ovens. It was the first of its kind plant set up in Andhra Pradesh in the year 2004 considering the port facilities for importing coking coal and marketability of finished product i.e. Coke to the Steel industries, Ferro Alloys, Zinc Smelter etc in the region.
Coke is a derivative of metallurgical coking coal. It plays a very vital role in the steel making process. Coke acts as a reducing / melting agent, converting raw materials like iron ore to steel in the blast furnace route, the preferred way of steel making in India. India has a very scarce source of Coking Coal, and such she is mostly dependent on imported coking coal either from Australia, China or other countries.